Wendel Field was born in Deputy Indiana, USA with extraordinary talents. As a very young boy his incredible artistic abilities were immediately evident. Wendel had no teacher or any kind of training, and no artistic tools to work with so he began drawing on the back of pieces of wallpaper with a common pencil at the age of six.
Soon the adults around him recognized his innate gifts and encouraged him to submit his works in school art contests. Unfortunately his talents surpassed other contestants so much, that his works were dismissed by the judges because they assumed such quality compositions must have been done by adults. This continued until he received an art scholarship at Indiana University and moved to Bloomington Indiana and the broad range of his natural talent was publicly recognized.
For the next few decades Wendel would continue live in Bloomington Indiana and produce a never-ending stream of museum quality works of arts. Although he is an accomplished painter in oil and acrylic, Wendel is also a master of stone carving, wood carving, wall murals, large rock gardens and just about anything artistic you could think of.
For over a decade Wendel painted the annual lead driver (pole sitter) of the Indianapolis 500 mile race, the top distinguished alumni for Indiana University and the annual IU men’s basket ball calendars. His works have been placed all around the world, including with collectors such as Stephen Spielberg.
Wendel executes all his works with a technical precision seldom seen in today art world. But it is the life and spirit he infuses into each project that draws the viewer into a direct experience of the Art itself. Wendel currently lives in Tiruvannamalai India during the winter and returns to America in the summer to work on projects.